Outdoor Education and Food
Food has been put right in the centre of what we do in the Curious School of the Wild. Each session includes preparing, cooking and...
Outdoors: Is it a privilege?
The outdoors as privilege is on my mind a lot at the moment. I am part of a gang of outdoorsy types who believes that the outdoors is...
Bees in Schools
A case study of how we welcomed Wild Honey Bees into our Primary School and into our Outdoor Education.
Stay Curious-[or new nature nerd Spring discoveries]
So the definition of curious is either, something strange and unusual [which yes we definitely are] but the other definition is, eager to...
Adventures of a single parent family [or how we went from mild to wild!]
Question: So how does a single parent family with no budget but lots of curiosity and a bit of wanderlust manage to get some...
Jay's Forest Listography
Hello. My name is jay. I am 17 and 1/4. I go to Miss Elvy's Curious School of the Wild. I am a youth Leader. My specialities are:...
Lochlainn’s Adventurer Blog Aged 9 3/4
Hello, I am Lochlainn, an adventurer from Nik Elvy‘s Curious school of the Wild. My mum is also a leader with Miss Elvy and so is Sarah...
Outdoor bloggers [and where to find them]
What follows is a cool and very exciting list of outdoor blogs. They are not categorised or in any order priority at all. I could not...
Cool Wild Cooking Books
The winter months bring us a perfect opportunity to focus on outdoor cooking. There is an assumption that Summer is the time for outdoor...
Weather-lets talk about it.`
Let's talk about the weather. Our nation's favourite polite topic of conversation. Your neighbours always know more about the weather...